The BookBear Services
Book Delivery Service of Sarawak State Library
The COVID-19 has a significant impact on library services to users especially on circulation services. With the restriction of movement and social distancing in the early outbreak of COVID-19, the pandemic has impacted the users’ need for genuine, authentic information which available in the library. This paper aims to provide an overview of BookBear Services, one of the services provided by Sarawak State Library in delivering the information needs to users since the beginning of COVID-19 pandemic back in 2020. Until August 2022, BookBear Services successfully delivering 10,150 books to 1,450 users in Sarawak. The availability of the book, remote location of the potential users, and the absence of delivery feature in Angka.Sa2 Apps are among the limitations of BookBear Services. This paper is one of a few sharing on book delivery service available worldwide.