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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Important Dates

  1. Call for papers - 1st September 2022
  2. Due date for submission of full paper - 20th October 2022
  3. Notification of acceptance - 1st November 2022
  4. Camera ready - 30th November 2022
  5. Publication of journal - 31st December 2022

Guidelines for the Submission of Journal Article


Acceptance of the article will be at the discretion of Pustaka Negeri Sarawak.


Submission of an article implies that

  1. it has not been published before (except in the form of an abstract or as part of a published lecture, review, or thesis);
  2. it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere;
  3. its publication has been approved by all co-authors, if any, as well as by the responsible authorities at the institute where the work has been carried out;
  4. if and when it is accepted for publication, the authors agree to automatic transfer of the copyright to the publisher;
  5. it will not be published elsewhere in any language without the consent of the copyright holders;
  6. written permission of the copyright holder is obtained by the authors for material used from other copyrighted sources;
  7. any costs associated with obtaining this permission are the authors' responsibility.


Subject Matter

  1. Library science;
  2. Information science;
  3. Records management;
  4. Archives management;
  5. Knowledge management;
  6. Enterprise content management;
  7. Local contents development;



  1. The article must be written in Microsoft Word or compatible format, one and half spaced with suitable wide margin.
  2. The article should not exceed five thousand words, excluding references and notes on the author.
  3. The title must be informative.
  4. The title should be followed by the author’s name, position, institutional affiliation, mailing address and e-mail address.
  5. Each article is to be preceded by a succinct abstract, of no more than two hundred and fifty words, that highlights the objectives, methods, results, and conclusions of the paper.
  6. To identify the subjects under which the article may be indexed, 6-10 key words should be provided.
  7. References should be supplied as endnotes.
  8. A bibliographic note of no more than one hundred words on the author should follow the endnotes.
  9. Images are not to be included in the papers.



  1. The articles should be written in english and malay.
  2. When writing in the english language, words in other languages should be in italics and followed by the english translation in curved brackets or parentheses.
  3. When writing in the malay language, words in other languages should be in italics and followed by the malay translation in curved brackets or parentheses


Spelling and Hyphenation

Spelling and hyphenation should follow the Oxford English Dictionary or Cambridge Free English Dictionary.


Use of Capitals

Other than proper names and acronyms, use capitals only when lower case would cause ambiguity.



  1. Full titles of countries, states, institutions, organisations, et cetera should be used in the first instance, with abbreviations or acronyms in curve brackets; subsequent references must be abbreviated.
  2. Use a full stop after an abbreviation (p., ed., vol.), but not after a contraction (Mr, Dr, eds)
  3. Symbols for currency and units of measurement should not have full stops (km, RM)
  4. Acronyms and abbreviations consisting of capitals should not have full stops (JKR, DUN, LCDA, STIDC, SEDC, NREB).



  1. Use single quotation marks for quotations; double quotation marks for quotations within quotations.
  2. Indent quotations of more than forty words.
  3. Preserve the spelling, grammar and punctuations of the original. Use [sic] sparingly to indicate aberrant usage or perceived errors. Provide endnotes to explain perceived errors.
  4. Interpolations should be in square brackets.
  5. Use three ellipsis point (…) to indicate omission of material from a quotation.
  6. Close quotations before a final punctuation mark (‘The project was a success’.)



  1. Within the text, spell out numbers and ordinals up to one hundred, for example, five, eight, twenty-five, sixty-fifth anniversary, fourth annual report.
  2. Numbers over one hundred should be written in figures (123, 5,255), except for round numbers (five hundred, ten thousand, three million).
  3. Use figures with a succession of numbers (20 passes, 9 credits, 5 distinctions).
  4. Percentage should be written as 85 per cent, not 85% or eighty-five per cent.



  1. Use the form 17 September 1965.
  2. Months should be spelled out in full (September, December)
  3. No apostrophe is used in decades (1960s, 1980s, 1990s).
  4. Show a span of years as 1945-1950, not 1945-50.


Italics / Underlining / Bold Face

  1. Underline or use bold face only if reproducing a specific device in a quotation; emphasis should be marked by italics.
  2. Use italics for uncommon foreign word; inclusion of a word or phrase in the dictionaries mentioned in Section 6 indicates that it is no longer uncommon.



  1. Should be suitable for reproduction, and should clarify or shorten the text.
  2. Information provided in figure legends should not be repeated in the text.
  3. Figures and graphs should always be mentioned in the text and numbered with Arabic numerals.
  4. Preferred file formats include .jpeg/.jpg, .png, .gif and.tif


Computer Software

  1. Any software referred to among methods used must be obtainable either commercially or upon request from the authors.
  2. In submitting an article to the Journal, authors accept the obligation to furnish upon request any information necessary for reproducing the methodologies on which their results are based.
  3. The methods used for preparing and analysing alignments must be stated precisely.


Mathematical Equations

  1. Should be clearly prepared, and annotated if necessary.
  2. Primes and dots must be called to the attention of the typesetter.
  3. Differentiate legibly between number 1, capital letter I, and lower case letter l.
  4. Use fractional exponents instead of root signs and the solidus (/) for fractions wherever their use will save vertical space.
  5. Use exp () notation when the exponent is sizable.
  6. All equations must be numbered sequentially, on the right-hand side of the column, in parenthetic Arabic numerals.


Citation Style

  1. Use either American Psychological Association (APA) citation style.
  2. Responsibility for the accuracy of bibliographic references rests entirely with the author.