Strength and Corrosion Effect of HDPE Concrete

Kesan Kekuatan dan Pengaratan Konkrit HDPE

  • Sarinah Ali Politeknik Port Dickson
  • Siti Harni Zainal Politeknik Melaka


This study examines the application of cyclic plastic HDPE (High-density polyethylene) as a substitute for fine aggregate (sand) in concrete. The use of these materials is to enhance resource efficiency, prevent pollution and increase sustainability as concrete emphasizes the use of green construction.  The main purpose of this study is to determine the strength of HDPE concrete mix design as a substitute for fine aggregate. Along with compressive strength, water absorption and corrosion in reinforcement concrete were also studied and the results were compared with the control concrete. Reinforced concrete of grade M20 was prepared using (150x150x150) mm steel mould. 7,14, and 28 days of curing test was performed. The result shows that concrete with 30% HDPE achieved the recommended strength of 6 MPa for concrete masonry which is higher than 5.2 MPa. While for 20% HDPE shows 17 MPa for 28 days strength which is the best response to the addition of HDPE for a 1:2:4 design mix. To support the test results of this study, a similar procedure was performed with reinforced concrete and has proven that a higher percentage of HDPE replacing fine aggregate has decreased the probability of corrosion and generally contributes to the enhancement of concrete properties.

How to Cite
ALI, Sarinah; ZAINAL, Siti Harni. Strength and Corrosion Effect of HDPE Concrete. Jurnal Sains Sosial dan Pendidikan Teknikal | Journal of Social Sciences and Technical Education (JoSSTEd), [S.l.], v. 4, n. 1, p. 225-233, nov. 2023. ISSN 2716-6740. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 11 feb. 2025.

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