• Nor Nazimi Mohd Mustaffa National Defence University, Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA
  • Jaffary Awang National University of Malaysia, Bangi, MALAYSIA
  • Aminudin Basir National University of Malaysia, Bangi, MALAYSIA
  • Amnah Saayah Ismail National Defence University, Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA


In the 19th century, psychological research progressively expanded by extending psychological studies with religious aspects. Psychology scholars have put forward various theories to explain their views on religious behaviour. They presented their theories based on empirical studies and observations in certain subjects. Their theories have a great influence on various fields until today including religious behaviour aspects. However, their theory has been criticised because of the confusion in their argument that tends to contradict with the nature of a human being. Based on this issue, the formation of religious behaviour requires something that fits the nature of human being. Therefore, this paper describes formulas of humanity for religious behaviour formation in order to coincide with the nature of a human being. This study used qualitative methodology that analysed classic documents that illustrate the history of the changing religious behaviour performed by the Prophet and its formation process. The data were analysed using thematic method to answer the research questions. Through the themes, formulas of religious behaviour formation based on the prophetic method was developed. This study concluded that formula for religious behaviour formation is the prophetic formula, which contains purification of faith, education, and training. This formula is a prophecy that emphasises the concept of improvement and reform that facilitates the process of developing religious behaviour because prophetic it develops religious behaviour in stages according to one's situation.


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How to Cite
MOHD MUSTAFFA, Nor Nazimi et al. PROPHETIC FORMULAS FOR RELIGIOUS BEHAVIOUR FORMATION. Journal of Social Science Advanced Research, [S.l.], v. 1, n. 1, p. 34-42, sep. 2020. ISSN 2735-1874. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 15 dec. 2024.