Kepimpinan Transformasional Guru Besar Dan Kepuasan Kerja Guru Di Sekolah Rendah Daerah Klang Semasa Pandemik

  • Adrience Loh Yee Shuen Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
  • Mohd Yusoff Mohd Noor


Pandemic had affect education system in Malaysia. This issue had bring some impact to job satisfation of teacher. Transfomastional leadership was proved as leadership that can support and enhance teacher’s job satisfactory through study before.Therefore, this study aims to survey the transformasional leadership of headmaster and job satisfaction of teachers in primary school of Klang District during pandemic.This survey involves 292 teachers from primary school in Klang District. Questionaire that adapted from Multi Factor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) (1994) and Instrumen Job Descriptive Index (JDI) was used as instrument in this study. Descriptive and inference analysis was used to analyse the data collected. The finding showed the intermediate level of headmaster’s transformasional leadership practice in Klang District during pandemic(mean=3.24) while teacher’s job satisfaction also performce at intermediate level (min=3.31) during pandemic.This study found that transformational leadership is positively related with teacher job satisfaction, (r= 0.751) and intellectual stimulation had significant influence on teacher’s job satisfaction during pandemic. Therefore,this finding are expected to assist the principals to enhance their leadership style in order to improve teacher’s job satisfaction.


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How to Cite
LOH YEE SHUEN, Adrience; MOHD NOOR, Mohd Yusoff. Kepimpinan Transformasional Guru Besar Dan Kepuasan Kerja Guru Di Sekolah Rendah Daerah Klang Semasa Pandemik. Jurnal Dunia Pendidikan, [S.l.], v. 4, n. 3, p. 26-37, sep. 2022. ISSN 2682-826X. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 23 jan. 2025.