The urbanization has affected the greenery in the Kuala Lumpur, and creating numerous environmental problems. To alleviate this, most of the countries have adopted the green roof system implementation as it could help to create a better environmental and reduce the negative urbanization effects. Malaysian has no exception to this as many commercial buildings have gradually implemented the green roof concept. However, it has not been widely accepted as Western Countries. If the concept and challenges of the green roof development in Malaysia cannot be identified and understand by construction industry players, the environment problems will continuously grow. Hence, this paper tries to tease out two objectives namely, (i) the challenges incorporated in green implementation and (ii) strategies to improve this situation in the urbanization area. To achieve this, a quantitative method will be used by distributing 150 set of questionnaire survey to the construction professionals via email (ie google form). However only 50 number of respondents responded to the questions. From the survey results, it was found that the main challenge of the green roof systems in Malaysia was due to the high cost of construction and maintenance of the green roof application. The respondents believed that this situation could be improved if they received full support from the Government.
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