Unveiling the Drivers: Engineers’ Intention to Adopt Artificial Intelligence (AI)-Driven Engineering Tools in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs)
The study aims to investigate the factors that influence engineers’ decisions to adopt AI-driven tools in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). It will examine key drivers such as perceived usefulness (PU), perceived ease of use (PEOU), performance expectancy (PE), knowledge in technology (KT), and perceived risk (PR). These factors reflect engineers’ beliefs about the tools’ ability to enhance job performance, ease of understanding and use, expected performance improvements, familiarity with technology, and potential risks like data security concerns and job displacement. Through comprehending these factors, the study aims to offer perspectives on how to effectively encourage the adoption of AI in this setting and to pinpoint the root reasons and associations among various variables, especially those concerning cause and effect. The study will use a survey technique to analyze primary data and identify factors influencing the adoption of AI-driven engineering tools in the Malaysian SME sector. Researchers will employ an online questionnaire to examine relationships between variables and compare the data with relevant studies. The data will be analyzed using the SmartPLS 4 tool to identify the major factors influencing the decision to embrace AI. Artificial intelligence (AI) is a broad term that includes a variety of technologies, including machine translation, chatbots, and self-learning algorithms, all of which can assist engineers in better understanding their environment and acting accordingly. The study’s findings will provide insights for enhancing engineering operations, customer satisfaction, and long-term competitiveness in SMEs. By fostering innovation and effective technology adoption strategies, SMEs can harness the power of AI for sustainable growth. The study offers insights for researchers, engineers, and owners/managers of SMEs seeking to leverage AI in an industrial setting. The importance of integrating AI technology within the SME industry and the possible obstacles are explored in this study, which is among the first to uncover the key parameters driving SME adoption of AI-driven engineering tools.
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