Understanding Energy Conservation Behavior Among University Employees from a TPB Theory Perspective: A Pilot Study Analysis
Occupant behavior directly Influences how energy is consumed through engagement with organizational setting, such as lighting, thermostats, windows, and appliances. Therefore, it is essential to understand the factors that influence energy conservation behavior among university staff. This research focuses on investigating the effects of energy conservation behavior within the university, based on the Theory of Planned Behavior. The questionnaires were gathered from a sample of 100 academic staff members from Malaysian public universities ranging in age from 21 to 60 years old. The results shows that the skewness value for all variables statistically significance between -1 and +1. The Cronbach's alpha value in the internal reliability statistical test exceeds 0.7 for all variables. The values of the Kaiser- Meyer-Olkin (KMO) measure and Bartlett's test are greater than 0.5 and p-value of Bartlett's Test is below 0.05 for all variables, which is the significance and reliable for factor analysis. The findings of this study support the hypothesis and offer valuable insights for university administrators and policymakers. allowing them to encourage universities to adopt energy conservation behavior to achieve sustainable development goals.
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