The Nexus Between Strategic Resources, Innovation Ambidexterity and Digital Twin Adoption Intention: A Conceptual Paper
This study intends to investigate the relationship among the strategic resources of top management support, financial investment, internal expertise, Information System Infrastructure and government support with innovation ambidexterity towards Digital Twin adoption intention in Malaysian medical devices and pharmaceutical manufacturing companies. This conceptual research integrates the Resource-based View and Diffusion of Innovation theories which will provide a foundation and a more comprehensive understanding of technological adoption intention within these industries by evaluating how firms can leverage their resources for competitive advantage while adapting to the challenges posed by new technologies. This quantitative research specifically focuses on sampling the pharmaceutical and medical manufacturing firms listed in the Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers (FMM) directory, targeting top management comprise of leadership team, functional heads and department heads. The research process will involve administering e-survey questionnaires, conducting a pretest, and analyzing statistical data analysis using the SPSS and Smart-PLS. The results of this research will benefit the Malaysian stakeholders such as manufacturing companies, employers, employees, customers, suppliers, government and society. By understanding the results of this research, this study will help to lead to the next implementation stage of this cutting-edge technology in medical devices and pharmaceutical companies in Malaysia which can improve the operations, reduce downtime, and enhance their overall performance. This research may lead to incremental revenue and greater contribution to the country's economy over time.
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