The Influence of Information, Communication and Creation Competencies on Learning Agility: The Mediating Role of Student’s Attitude
This study investigates the interaction between digital skills on learning agility, and predictor of the mediating roles of attitude towards the learning agility. A survey was conducted on 435 undergraduate students in local universities, and a structural equation model using Smart PLS was used for hypotheses testing. A measurement and structural model were detailed on the direct and mediating relationship between information, communication, and creation skills, with attitude acting as the mediator and their associations with learning agility. The study confirmed the relationship between information, communication, and creation skills, with attitude acting as the mediator, and their associations with learning agility. By understanding how attitude impacts the relationship between these essential skills and learning agility, a dynamic learning environment can be developed to promote rapid adaptability and effective information absorption. By incorporating these understandings into educational and professional development initiatives, the result implies enabling individuals to excel in our constantly changing world and guarantee their ongoing success. This research provides a solid basis for further investigation and improving techniques designed to boost learning agility in today's reality. This paper emphasizes the high demand for digital skills by the industry to be prepared by undergraduate students in local universities.
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