The Impact of Organizational and Environmental Factors on the Industry 4.0 Adoption Among Malaysian Manufacturing SMEs

  • Siti Nurul Aziah Ismail
  • Wan Norhayati Mohamed
  • Nik Hazimah Nik Mat
  • Khatijah Omar


The role of organizational and environmental factors in Industry 4.0 adoption is of utmost significance. These factors are at the core of shaping how businesses adopt advanced technologies and practices, ultimately defining the success and efficiency of the Industry 4.0 implementation. Therefore, the aim of this study is to investigate the impact of organizational and environmental factors on the adoption of Industry 4.0 among Malaysian manufacturing SMEs. The survey gathered responses from 157 managerial staff members in Malaysian manufacturing SMEs. The data underwent analysis with SPSS Statistics version 26. Quantitative analysis techniques, including validity test, reliability test, classic assumptions test, and hypothesis test, were employed in the data analysis process. Organizational and environmental factors are the independent variables, meanwhile Industry 4.0 adoption is the dependent variable in this study. The results of this study demonstrate that organizational and environmental factors have a significant impact on Industry 4.0 adoption among Malaysian manufacturing SMEs. Which means the internal organization of these businesses and the external factors in their operating environment are essential in determining how ready and capable they are to adopt Industry 4.0.


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How to Cite
ISMAIL, Siti Nurul Aziah et al. The Impact of Organizational and Environmental Factors on the Industry 4.0 Adoption Among Malaysian Manufacturing SMEs. International Journal of Business and Technology Management, [S.l.], v. 6, n. 4, p. 352-363, dec. 2024. ISSN 2682-7646. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 15 jan. 2025.
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