Sustainability Reporting and its Role in Enhancing the Competitive Advantage of Indonesian Companies: A Proposed Model

  • Susilawati .
  • Lailah Fujianti
  • Roy Prakoso
  • Fahmi Ikram Sjafril


This article conceptually examines the role of sustainability reporting in enhancing the competitive advantage of companies in Indonesia. In the era of globalization and increasing awareness of the importance of sustainable development, companies are faced with demands to not only focus on financial performance, but also consider the social and environmental impacts of their operations. Sustainability reports are emerging as an important instrument that can assist companies in communicating their commitment to sustainable practices to stakeholders. Through an analysis of the literature and the Indonesian business context, this article explores the various ways in which sustainability reports can serve as a strategic tool. By adopting transparent and accountable reporting practices, companies can build legitimacy in the eyes of the public, enhance brand reputation, and attract the attention of investors who are increasingly concerned about sustainability issues. In addition, the article also discusses the challenges faced by companies in compiling effective sustainability reports as well as the implications of such reporting on competitiveness in the marketplace. Thus, this article provides a deep insight into how sustainability reporting is not just an obligation, but also a strategic asset that can drive companies towards sustainable competitive advantage.


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How to Cite
., Susilawati et al. Sustainability Reporting and its Role in Enhancing the Competitive Advantage of Indonesian Companies: A Proposed Model. International Journal of Business and Technology Management, [S.l.], v. 6, n. 4, p. 281-293, dec. 2024. ISSN 2682-7646. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 24 jan. 2025.
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