Shaping Sustainable Community Through a Strategic Process: A Lesson from Shah Alam
Community betterment has been the focus of urban development in most cities. As urbanisation accelerates, the need for sustainable community livelihood has become increasingly urgent. Cities face challenges like increasing population, which affects their inhabitants with issues like social stability, inclusivity, and urban poverty. This paper explores the strategic processes involved in shaping sustainable communities, drawing lessons from the case of Shah Alam.The study examines the existing framework and aspirations of the communities of Shah Alam by addressing the current issues and requirements of the people to formulate an Action Plan for the communities. The approach to study was meticulous and public participation was employed in the process by conducting two sessions of Focus Group Discussion. 211 selected participants using Purposive Sampling were engaged for the investigation followed by a validation process with the Engagement Representatives of the city council. Apart from that, site observations were exercised throughout the whole 56 sections of Shah Alam to examine the community’s surroundings and activities. Through a comprehensive analysis of stakeholder engagement and policy implementation, the findings illustrate how a collaborative approach can lead to effective sustainability outcomes. Most importantly, the findings will be infused into making an action plan by the city council. The lessons learned from Shah Alam serve as a valuable model for other urban areas seeking to enhance their sustainability initiatives, offering practical insights for policymakers, urban planners, and community leaders.
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