Organizational Citizenship Behaviour Influence on Personal Reputation Among Gen Z Professionals in Malaysia: Business Services Industry Perspective
Individuals with a robust personal reputation not only perform their duties efficiently but also willingly go beyond their responsibilities to enhance their reputation. This paper investigates the direct effects of organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB) dimensions; altruism, civic virtue, sportsmanship, courtesy, and conscientiousness on the personal reputation of Generation Z professionals within the Malaysian business services sector. The study employed a quantitative method, collecting cross-sectional data from 84 Gen Z professionals in the Malaysian business services sector. Data were analyzed using Smart PLS 4.0, with PLSpredict assessing model predictiveness. An Importance-Performance Matrix Analysis (IPMA) was performed to identify key areas for enhancing professionals' personal reputation. The results revealed significant relationships between civic virtues and personal reputation, as well as between conscientiousness and personal reputation. Assessing personal reputation among Gen Z professionals across a diverse range of business services would yield valuable insights. Civic virtues and conscientiousness are pivotal in enhancing the personal reputation of Gen Z professionals within the business services industry. This study is among the pioneering investigations into the relationship between OCB and personal reputation among Generation Z professionals within the Malaysian business services sector.
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