Influence of Surveillance, Remuneration, and Social Interaction on Brand Equity Among Digital Consumers in Kota Kinabalu
This study is to examine the relationship between surveillance, remuneration and social interaction and brand equity. Company now realised that building its brand is an important strategy to pursue. Traditionally, brand is promoted via marketing activities through newspaper and broadcasting channel. As digital era is advancing, the promotional activities are shifted through digital content such as Facebook, Twitter and Tik Tok. Digital media has now been widely used to enhance the company’s brand. This research utilized a quantitative research approach with data from online survey from a sample in Kota Kinabalu area. The result of the study showed that remuneration and social interaction have significant relationship with brand equity. The findings can serve as a guide for businesses in Kota Kinabalu to develop effective digital marketing and social media strategies for building brand equity. Overall, the research offers valuable understanding of how social media and digital marketing limitation shape brand equity in the digital landscape, helping businesses compete effectively. Future research can incorporate brand equity as a moderating variable to increase the effect of surveillance, remuneration and social interaction with purchase intention.
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