Communicating Green: Insights to Enhance Green Purchase Intention
This study investigates the impact of the green marketing mix, which consists of product, price, place and promotion, on attitude towards green products, green brand image, green trust and green purchase intention. Companies need to understand and execute the correct combination of marketing mix strategies to persuade customers to purchase green products and enhance their customer-based brand equity. The target population of this study comprised working adults aged 20 to 55 years old who know what green products are. This study used the quantitative method and purposive sampling to collect data. Questionnaires were disseminated online and a total of 196 valid responses were collected. Green product and green promotion enhance the attitude of consumers towards green products, green brand image, green trust and green purchase intention. Future research should incorporate larger, more varied samples to better understand the global dynamics of consumer behaviour towards green products and explore the green marketing mix across diverse cultural settings. Green marketing efforts should focus on enhancing product visibility through eco-labels and certifications. Green marketers should also prioritise green marketing communication strategies that not only highlight environmental benefits but also build consumer trust and green brand image, which are critical for driving green purchase intention. Although consumers are willing to invest more in green products, there exists a noticeable disparity between attitude and behaviour. Consumers are not consistently purchasing green products even though they express interest in green products. Besides empirically investigating the relationships among the green marketing mix and attitude towards green products as well as green purchase intention, this study also incorporates green brand image and green trust, the customer-based brand equity variables, as the dependent variables.
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