The Benefits of QLASSIC Adoption in The Construction Sector: G7 Contractor’s Perspective

  • Lim Si Ying
  • Zailawati Khalid
  • Puteri Sidrotul Nabihah Saarani
  • Siti Nur Aisyah Mohd Noor


CIDB introduced the Quality Assessment System in Construction (QLASSIC) in 2006 to help improve the quality of buildings in Malaysia. After more than ten years, QLASSIC has been introduced, but many contractors still need to familiarize themselves with QLASSIC.

QLASSIC is not fully implemented and applied by all developers and contractors in Malaysia as this element is not a compulsory requirement in getting projects. Moreover, there are only small numbers of developers and contractors who are aware on the benefits of the application of QLASSIC in their construction projects. The low reputation if QLASSIC score less than CIDB’s requirement has resulted in the low adoption of QLASSIC, and the lack of knowledge of QLASSIC has caused crucial problems in implementing QLASSIC in Malaysia. In a nutshell, the CIDB must develop a new strategy to address this issue. This has led to the objectives of determining the benefits of QLASSIC adoption gained by the contractor G7 in the construction sector. The scope of this research is G7 contractors in Selangor. The research methodology is conduct using distributing the questionnaire form which is 120 set as the research instrument and Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) has been used to analyse with descriptive statistic data. The research outcomes can provide an understanding of the benefits gained by the contractor G7 by implementing QLASSIC. Malaysian construction players, including contractors, must change their behaviour by being more receptive on QLASSIC adoption in construction sector. This is because QLASSIC can improve workplace safety by undergoes regular assessments and inspections through QLASSIC adoption. Therefore, increasing knowledge about the benefits of QLASSIC adoption can increase the interest of contractor G7 to implement it in their project.



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How to Cite
SI YING, Lim et al. The Benefits of QLASSIC Adoption in The Construction Sector: G7 Contractor’s Perspective. International Journal of Business and Technology Management, [S.l.], v. 6, n. S2, p. 318-328, nov. 2024. ISSN 2682-7646. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 05 dec. 2024.