Tactile Exploration in Architecture: The Role of Kinesthetic Learning in Developing Design Skills
This study investigates the impact of kinaesthetic learning on enhancing architectural design education among second-year students. Kinaesthetic learning, which involves physical engagement and hands-on activities, was explored for its effectiveness in improving students' design skills and exploration processes. A significant gap was identified where students often neglect early-stage physical mock-ups, hindering their full engagement with design concepts. To address this, the research employed a focus group discussion methodology, involving 25 purposively sampled students. These students were divided into three focus groups, each moderated by a lecturer using a semi-structured interview guide with open-ended questions. This qualitative approach allowed for in-depth exploration of participants' perceptions, opinions, beliefs, and attitudes towards kinaesthetic learning through architectural conceptualization. The discussions, lasting 30 to 45 minutes each, were recorded and transcribed for thorough analysis. Thematic analysis revealed that hands-on activities, such as paper model sculpting, significantly enhanced students' understanding, creativity, decision-making, and visualization skills. This study is significant as it demonstrates the value of incorporating kinaesthetic learning into architectural education, providing students with a more comprehensive and practical understanding of complex design concepts. Future research should focus on addressing challenges such as time constraints and resource limitations and explore the application of kinaesthetic learning in other areas of architecture to further enhance its effectiveness.
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