Hydroponic as a Friendly Farming Technique for Persons with Disabilities (PWD)
A person with a disability is someone who has an impairment that may be physical, sensory, cognitive, or intellectual that can impact their daily activities and limit their full participation in society. Disabilities can be present from birth or acquired later in life due to illness, injury, or aging. It is important to understand that having a disability does not mean that someone is unable to achieve his or her goals, contribute to society, or live a fulfilling life. However, people with disabilities may face various types of barriers, such as physical barriers, social barriers, or attitudinal barriers, that limit their opportunities to get a good job and food security. Hydroponic farming is a type of farming that involves growing plants in a nutrient-rich water solution instead of soil. In fact, hydroponic farming can offer numerous benefits to people with disabilities, including therapeutic benefits, the ability to grow fresh produce at home, and opportunities to participate in a fun and rewarding hobby. Hence, the objective of the paper is to evaluate the ability and extent to which PWD can effectively engage in hydroponic gardening activities for food security by applying Theory of Planned Behaviour. In the study, a set of HTL-100 hydroponics system (100 pot hydroponic set which equipped with automize irrigation system) was install at ‘Pusat Pertubuhan dalam Komuniti’ to inculcate the urban farming. Observation method is used to evaluate the performance level of the PWD’s trainee in using hydroponic system after the training given. As a result, by leveraging technology, hydroponic farming becomes a more inclusive and supportive environment for PWD, breaking down barriers that might have previously limited their participation for promoting equality, fostering a sense of achievement, and enhancing overall well-being.
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