Why do Customers Browse Online Stores Without Making Purchases? What Could be the Underlying Cause of This Issue?
One frequently asked question is why visitors to a website do not proceed to make a purchase. While numerous reasons for visitors leaving without making a purchase have been postulated, these factors have never been specifically identified or validated. The objective of this study is to identify the website issues that cause visitors to leave without making a purchase. Concurrently, a lucid and succinct definition of e-Commerce merchandising that can persuade visitors to visit and ultimately purchase online can be delineated. A purposive sample of 50 online visitors was selected from a purposive sample of young executives aged 25-35 who reside in the Klang Valley area. The data was then subjected to thematic analysis. The factors that contribute to an effective e-Commerce merchandising retail strategy are then discussed in order to provide an optimal e-Commerce merchandising strategy and product offerings that resonate with customers and create engaging shopping experiences. This paper presents some suggestions for e-Commerce merchandisers.
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