The Influence of Management Support and Self-Efficacy on Individual Entrepreneurial Orientation to Enhance Job Performance among Employees in Klang Valley Takaful Insurance Sector

  • Vanaja Paramasivam


This research examines on how organisational factors such as management support, which functions as an internal organisational factor, and self-efficacy, which functions as psychological empowerment, influence individual entrepreneurial orientation behaviours such as proactiveness, innovativeness, and risk-taking, all of which contribute to job performance enhancement among employees working in the Takaful Insurance Sector. The purpose of this research study (1). to examine the significant relationship between management support and proactiveness, innovativeness, and risk-taking. (2) to examine the significant relationship between self-efficacy, proactive, innovativeness, and risk-taking. (3). to examine the significant relationship between management support and self-efficacy on job performance. (4) to examine the significant relationship between proactive, innovativeness, and risk-taking. The study collected data using a quantitative approach based on an online survey. The target group was determined through a stratified random sampling technique and the survey drew a total of 85 respondents. Statistic Package of Social Science (SPSS) version 26 was used to analyse Pearson's correlation and simple linear regression analysis to investigate the relationship between variables. The research findings shows that managers should be encouraged to serve as role models for their subordinates to encourage them to pursue ideas and seize opportunities. Finally, receiving feedback and providing learning and development opportunities are critical components of increasing employees' perceived capability to engage in entrepreneurial behaviour. Employees' self-efficacy increases due to the reciprocal relationship between identifying business opportunities, acting entrepreneurially, and receiving feedback. Through structured training and simulations, organisations should provide opportunities for employees to acquire and develop entrepreneurial skills and competencies. This allows employees to obtain valuable entrepreneurial experience in a regulated setting while simultaneously expanding their skills and abilities and enhancing their job performance.


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How to Cite
PARAMASIVAM, Vanaja. The Influence of Management Support and Self-Efficacy on Individual Entrepreneurial Orientation to Enhance Job Performance among Employees in Klang Valley Takaful Insurance Sector. International Journal of Business and Technology Management, [S.l.], v. 6, n. 2, p. 646-667, july 2024. ISSN 2682-7646. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 19 sep. 2024.
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