Investigating Effects of Modernization on Rural Landscape Characters: A Case Study of Yayou Gou Village in China
The rural areas in China have undergone transformation from traditional to modern, however, the comprehensive exploration of the effects of modernization on rural landscape lacks. The purpose of this study is to empirically investigate the effects of modernization on rural landscape characters. This study used a qualitative in-depth interview based on the case study of Yayou Gou Village in Shandong Province, China. The respondents selected were local villagers, village management members, tourists and professionals. The content analysis was used to analyze the transcript of interviews. The findings of study revealed that local history and culture was inherited, local traditional crafts were recovered, natural landscape was reserved, new buildings were constructed, traditional village and vernacular building were reserved and village infrastructure was improved. These findings not only directly achieved the research aim of this study, but also indicated the landscape changes and the current situation of rural landscape impacts amidst modernization activities. This study contributes to inspire the landscape character conservation and enhancement including the landscape planning and design and landscape conservation policy decisions. It provides reference on rural landscape conservation in the context of rural tourism for similar villages in Shandong and other provinces in China.
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