Fostering Meaningful Work and Engagement: The Moderator Role of Gratitude and Psychological Capital
Work engagement plays a critical role in moving the organization forward because of its beneficial effects, primarily through employee enthusiasm and dedication. The more employees feel connected to the organization's purpose, the better their performance and that of the organization Therefore, prioritizing efforts to enhance work engagement is essential before addressing other organizational issues. Furthermore, research has shown that when employees perceive their work as meaningful and serves a worthwhile impact, they become more engaged and productive. Described as a positive psychological state, the more significance employees attribute to their work, the more likely they are to be engaged. Conversely, if employees do not perceive their work as meaningful, they may feel disengaged which leads to decreased productivity. Moreover, the role of gratitude in enhancing the relationship between meaningful work and work engagement warrants further exploration as it is understudied in research. At its core, gratitude entails an attitude of appreciation and thankfulness which helps to foster cooperation and compassion in the workplace. In addition, assessing psychological capital among employees particularly resilience in navigating workplace challenges is crucial as employees may experience setbacks, risks, and not always favourable outcomes at work. This may deepen the exploration of the relationship between meaningful work and work engagement and uncover the mechanism through which the relationship works. Taking these into account, the purpose of this study is to review meaningful work and work engagement, particularly when it is moderated by gratitude and psychological contracts. This conceptual paper also presents a proposed framework that outlines the relationships.
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