Exploring Firms’ Green Innovation and Green Performance: A Systematic Review and Conceptual Framework
Green innovation directly and indirectly influences green performance. It involves creating innovative solutions that contribute to the transition towards a greener and more sustainable economy. It is considered the key to addressing sustainability issues and enhancing green performance. Despite the increasing urgency to address environmental challenges, many firms still struggle to effectively implement green innovation and achieve sustainable green performance. Various studies have explored factors such as technology, organisation, and the environment in relation to green innovation and green performance. While most studies in Malaysia are from a management perspective, the review of the literature reveals that there is still a lack of a comprehensive framework related to green innovation and green performance, especially in the case of Malaysia. Therefore, this study aims to develop a comprehensive framework to enrich the understanding of green innovation and green performance. The TOEGD framework was developed for this purpose. That focuses on five dimensions: technology (T), organisation (O), environment (E), government (G), and digital (D) dimensions. The conceptual framework provides a guide for future research.
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