Enhancing Employment Opportunities for Persons with Disability (PWDs) through Strategic HR Practices: An Analysis with Gender as a Moderating Factor
This study investigates the factors that affect employment opportunities for persons with disabilities in the Klang Valley region. It analyzes gender as the moderating factor and uses a cross-sectional survey that includes 170 respondents. The independent variables are training and development, compensation and recruitment, while the dependent variable is employment opportunities. Convenience sampling was used with a web-based survey links sent across different routes. The most significant factor is recruitment with a p-value of less than 0.0001. This is followed by compensation that has a p-value of 0.003. Training and development are statistically insignificant with a p-value of 0.883. The moderating statistical analysis reveals that the coefficient of interaction term between gender and TD is -0.292 and p-value is 0.044. This shows gender as a moderator, is statistically significant decrease in the impact of training and development on employment opportunities. Further, the p-value between gender and compensation (p-value=0.203) as well as gender and recruitment (p-value = 0.462) indicate gender as a moderator does not statistically significant impact compensation and recruitment on employment opportunities.
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