Can Organizational Career Management Reduce Turnover Intention Rate Among Employee? A Study of Millennial Generation in Banking Industry in Indonesia
The increasing rate of turnover that occurs is caused by several factors, among others are job satisfaction and work engagement. Factor affecting these two variables is organizational career management. Another factor that influence these two variables is support from leaders. A company must provide good career management for its employees to increase job satisfaction and work engagement which in turn reduce employee turnover intention. Most of research focus on how job satisfaction and work engagement influence on turn over but not much on how organizational career management influences turn over. Several studies had been done about turn over in Indonesia mentioned that the highest turnover rate in Indonesia occured ini banking industry. This study aims to determine the effect of organizational career management on turnover intention. The research model is considering job satisfaction and work engagement as a mediating factor and leadership career support as a moderating variable. The data collection method used is survey with structured questionaire. As many as 161 respondens were involved in this study. The respondens are permanent bank employees in Jabodetabek (Jakarta, Indonesia and its surrounding cities) who had worked for at least one year. Data collected was analysed by method of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results showed that organizational career management has no direct effect on turnover intention but job satisfaction and work engagement were proven to fully mediate the relationship between organizational career management and turnover intention. On the other hand, leadership career support is not proven to moderate the relationship between organizational career management and job satisfaction also turnover intention.
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