AIGC Technology Adoption in Yixing Zisha Ceramic Design: An Extended TAM Model Analysis
This study examines the willingness of the Yixing Zisha design industry to adopt Artificial Intelligence Generated Content (AIGC) technology, using the extended Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) as a theoretical framework. The impact of critical factors such as self-efficacy, resource quality, subjective norms, and convenience on the perceived usability and usefulness of AIGC technology was analyzed through a questionnaire survey of 600 industry practitioners. Focusing on the impact of perceived ease of use and usefulness of AIGC technology on industry adoption and the factors influencing it, the study explores the psychological mechanisms of technology acceptance, taking into account the specific context and needs of the industry. This study provides theoretical and strategic guidance for the effective adoption and application of AIGC technology in the Yixing Zisha design industry, and the results are valuable for understanding the importance of integrating traditional art and modern technology in a broader context, which can help promote technological innovation and sustainable development in related industries.
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