The Labyrinth Paradox: Shaping An Intricate Network of Pathways Through an Interlocking Domain Framework

  • Kasthoory Rajalingam


The burgeoning of multiple domain subjects, generated through the existence of various management compartments, demonstrate not only the importance of shedding light on the core functionalities of each compartment, the value of its functional deliverables, the root causes for its regular and abnormal occurrences, the strength and impact of its final products towards the comprehensive mission of the organization, the multiple trajectories, whereby a convoluted conundrum can be resolved and demystified, but also focuses on the pertinence of forming reasonable and concrete grounds for explanation and clarification, by way of academic discourse and practice. This is crucial in the attempt to project the entwinement between core domain underpinnings and its interconnected unions with that of advanced knowledge practice. Although, these multiple domain subjects have made an effort to perform these objectives, there still remains a void existing between them. Domain subjects have yet to provide reasonable grounds for explanation as to how the core functionalities of each compartment, value of its deliverables, regular and abnormal occurrences, impact of final products and multiple trajectories effect compartments other than their own in terms of quality, technology, knowledge, innovation and research. This paper will discuss the labyrinth paradox, which exists within the burgeoning of multiple domain subjects, and how the concept of “Multi Congruent Domain Structuring (MCDS)” can shape an intricate network of pathways and key attributes through an interlocking and associative domain framework.  



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How to Cite
RAJALINGAM, Kasthoory. The Labyrinth Paradox: Shaping An Intricate Network of Pathways Through an Interlocking Domain Framework. International Journal of Business and Technology Management, [S.l.], v. 6, n. 2, p. 271-280, june 2024. ISSN 2682-7646. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 18 jan. 2025.
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