Governance Components and Sustainability from the Perspective of Voluntary and Mandatory Disclosure

  • Salis Musta Ani Universitas Pancasila
  • Basis G. Andamari
  • Hindrajid Harsono


Purpose: This study aims to reveal the relationship between board size, cross directorships (director), cross directors (commissioner), and government ownership as governance components in enhancing the implementation of sustainability in companies with mandatory and voluntary disclosure. Beside that, it also examines the role of the SRI Kehati rating in moderating the relationship between governance components and the implementation of sustainability in companies with mandatory and voluntary disclosure.

Method: This research is a multiple regression analysis with panel data and moderation testing through the Fixed Effect Model. The data was taken from the annual reports of companies listed on the IDX (Indonesia Stock Exchange), with a final sample of 62 firm years.

Finding: Governance components with the proxy of the number of directorship positions have been proven to drive improvements in sustainability disclosure. Therefore, directors should have more experience in many companies to provide insights and recommendations for improving corporate sustainability disclosure. The test results also show that better sustainability disclosure occurs in companies with voluntary disclosure. Hence, even though it is voluntary, companies are aware of disclosing sustainability as corporate accountability and responding to global demands. Unfortunately, there is no evidence of the role of the SRI Kehati rating in moderating the relationship between governance components and sustainability disclosure.

Novelty: This research examines the relationship between governance components and sustainability disclosure for two categories of companies simultaneously, namely mandatory and voluntary disclosure, and includes the role of the SRI Kehati rating in the relationship between governance components and sustainability disclosure.

Keywords: cross directorships, sustainability disclosure, SRI Kehati, governance.


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Website: edisi Rabu, 21 September 2022.
How to Cite
ANI, Salis Musta; G. ANDAMARI, Basis; HARSONO, Hindrajid. Governance Components and Sustainability from the Perspective of Voluntary and Mandatory Disclosure. International Journal of Business and Technology Management, [S.l.], v. 6, n. 2, p. 561-573, july 2024. ISSN 2682-7646. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 19 sep. 2024.
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