Measurement Scale Reliability for a Rehabilitation Service Excellence Culture

  • Boo Ho Voon
  • Teck Weng Jee
  • Muhammad Iskandar Hamzah
  • Li Li Lau
  • Squiter Macroy Wilson
  • Ai Kiat Teo


The purpose of this empirical service research is to analyse the reliability of the dimensions and items of a new measurement scale for community-based rehabilitation service excellence culture. This survey research employed the quantitative approach with structured questionnaire survey and a total of 1029 questionnaires were collected for analysis. The empirical research discovered six dimensions (thirty-eight items) for the rehabilitation service excellence culture, namely: Trainee, Competitor, Inter-functional Coordination, Excellence-driven, Long-term, and Employee orientations. The multi-sample reliability analysis was done and the scale reliability was found to be consistent.  This reliable multi-item scale is potential for effective and meaningful service excellence culture management to care for people with special needs.  


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How to Cite
HO VOON, Boo et al. Measurement Scale Reliability for a Rehabilitation Service Excellence Culture. International Journal of Business and Technology Management, [S.l.], v. 6, n. 2, p. 163-171, june 2024. ISSN 2682-7646. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 14 dec. 2024.
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