Examining The Necessity and Significance of Implementing Cross-Cultural Management Practice in Yixin Energy Technology Co. In Shanghai, China
Cross cultural management mainly focuses on the behaviour of people from different culture working together as a group or an organization. Most of cross-cultural management study aims at dealing with the issue of organizational behaviour, such as leadership style, motivational approaches, strategy, organizational structure. As to the cultural concept, culture is a complex issue in some fields such as sociology, anthropology and now become a hot topic in management. The aim of this paper is to examine the necessity and significance of implementing cross-cultural management practice in Yixin Energy Technology Co. in Shanghai, China. A questionnaire is used in this study. This study randomly distributed questionnaires in the form of survey and collected 158 results as samples. SPSS was used for data analysis of the data obtained. The information gathered from the survey questionnaire underwent a number of in-depth investigations before being interpreted. Descriptive tests, ANOVA, and multi-regression test. Multiple regression indicates that there is a strong relationship between the independent factors and the dependent variables. The analysis's findings indicate that the three independent factors examined in this study may account for around 38.1% of the variance in multinational companies' cross-cultural management. Based on the findings, the social culture impacted the cross cultural management at 23.3%, the government policy impacted the cross cultural management at 35.0%, the management style impacted the cross cultural management at 21.8% and the cross cultural management at 28.7%. This study's findings provided concrete statistical support for the argument that cross-cultural practise is necessary, and Yixin Energy Technology Co. in Shanghai, China, has acknowledged the need of this cross-cultural practise. It is advised that businesses create a series of cross-cultural training programmes that concentrate on different levels of expatriates.
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