The Effectiveness of The Case Manager in Managing Inhaled Patients in Single Schools, Using Indicators from The Network of Patient Service Management

  • Iwan Setiawan Adji
  • Muzakar Isa


The aim of this research is to find out the effectiveness of case managers in managing patient nursing in JIH Solo Hospital with quality indicators of patient service management. The study employs a variety of data collection techniques, including in-depth interviews, documents, and observations. Through a qualitative descriptive approach, which is research based on post-positivism that studies the state of things and nature, data validation is a very important technique used to determine the validity and reliability of the data obtained in this study. The findings of the study indicate that the role of the case manager in the JIH Solo Hospital's nursing room is adequate in terms of quality control of health services and cost management. The role of the case manager at JIH Solo Hospital is to coordinate, facilitate, and advocate with the PPA and other related management units in carrying out patient care evaluation, planning, management, monitoring, and evaluation to develop the effectiveness, cost efficiency, and quality of hospital services. However, due to some impediments, the case manager at JIH Solo Hospital has not been able to meet all the indicators in the quality management of patient service where in this study found on the structural indicators there are still shortcomings where the Case Manager who should not be PPA is active and serves only in the morning shift, but the facts in the field show 2 of the 3 case managers appointed are active PPA and assigned in 3 shifts, and on the process indicator in the case of screening that should be carried out directly by case manager, but is still implemented by the head of unit and team under the supervision of the nursing care supervisor to then be to Case Manager for follow-up


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How to Cite
MULYANINGSIH, Sri; ADJI, Iwan Setiawan; ISA, Muzakar. The Effectiveness of The Case Manager in Managing Inhaled Patients in Single Schools, Using Indicators from The Network of Patient Service Management. International Journal of Business and Technology Management, [S.l.], v. 6, n. 2, p. 230-241, june 2024. ISSN 2682-7646. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 04 oct. 2024.
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