The Impact of Technological Competence and Service Innovation Implementation on Brand Equity: A Case Study of Hotel Industry in Vietnam

  • Tran Trung Vinh
  • Ngo Ngoc Thuy Tien
  • Tran Thi Kim Phuong


This paper aims to propose and investigate two new antecedent factors (Technological competence and service innovation implementation) that affect hotel brand equity development in the context of the hotel. Questionnaire data were collected from 215 domestic tourists who have traveled to at least one experience using service to stay at 4-5 star hotels. The results of empirical tests using a structural equation model support the research hypotheses. The findings support direct positive links between technological competence, service innovation implementation, and the dimensions of brand equity, as well as the positive relationship between overall brand equity and its dimensions, except for the effect of destination brand awareness. Finally, relevant implications are provided for destination marketers to improve hotel brand equity in the tourism industry.      


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How to Cite
TRUNG VINH, Tran; NGOC THUY TIEN, Ngo; THI KIM PHUONG, Tran. The Impact of Technological Competence and Service Innovation Implementation on Brand Equity: A Case Study of Hotel Industry in Vietnam. International Journal of Business and Technology Management, [S.l.], v. 6, n. 1, p. 640-656, apr. 2024. ISSN 2682-7646. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 11 sep. 2024.
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