Analysing the Relationship Between E-Leadership Readiness and Digital Transformation: A Case of Malaysian Private Higher Education Institution

  • Saubia Muzaffar
  • Suja Unnikrishnan


The study analyzed relationship between E-Leadership Readiness and Digital Transformation in one Private Higher Education Institution (PHEI). It investigated PHEI e-leadership readiness in either supporting or opposing the digital transition. This research was carried out with three main objectives, to evaluate the PHEI’s e-leadership readiness in understanding digital transformation, to establish whether PHEI’s e-leadership readiness is a significant predictor of digital transformation and to analyze the impact of Direction, Alignment, and Commitment framework on e-leadership qualities in one PHEI. The 100 participants were either lecturer, student, administrative staff, or others affiliated with PHEI.  The sample was obtained through convenience sampling technique and the Direction, Alignment, Commitment (DAC) questionnaire comprised of 36-items contributed to the understanding of e-leadership in digital transformation.12-items measured the subconstruct Direction, 12-items measured Alignment, and 12-items measured commitment which is based on the DAC framework of McCauley & Fick-Cooper (2020). Statistical procedure namely, Descriptive Statistics, Pearson Product-Moment Correlation, and Simple Linear Regression were used to analyze the data. The analysis revealed that e-leadership readiness and digital transformation level with a mean of 4.090 (Direction), 4.140 (Alignment), and 4.210 (Commitment) were deemed to be of a high level among PHEI. Furthermore, a significant equation, indicated that e-leadership readiness is a strong predictor of digital transformation, with 50.4% of the coefficient determination influencing the dependent variable. Finally, the strength of the association is determined by correlation, which is positive and strong (r=0.710**, p<0.01). Based on the result, it is formulated that DAC framework proves to be a core component of an organization digital transformation.    


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How to Cite
MUZAFFAR, Saubia; UNNIKRISHNAN, Suja. Analysing the Relationship Between E-Leadership Readiness and Digital Transformation: A Case of Malaysian Private Higher Education Institution. International Journal of Business and Technology Management, [S.l.], v. 6, n. 1, p. 15-30, mar. 2024. ISSN 2682-7646. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 15 sep. 2024.
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