Optimizing Negotiation Strategies for Antam in Integrated EV Battery Value Chain with the Korean Consortium
Antam as one of leading mining industry in Indonesia have strategic shift towards the EV battery industry, leveraging its position as the owner of Indonesia's second-largest nickel resource. The study explores Antam's role in supporting Indonesia's national priority program for EV battery ecosystem development. It focuses on Antam's initiative to segment the Buli-Serani IUP, dedicating part of it to the battery industry ecosystem, up to producing precursors. The research explores Antam's efforts to identify and establish a Zone of Possible Agreement (ZOPA) in negotiations with the Korean Consortium. It delves into strategies set to safeguard Antam’s interests within the burgeoning EV battery sector. Central to the inquiry is the optimal positioning of Antam to leverage its nickel resources, aligning with Indonesia’s national priority program for the development of the EV battery industry ecosystem. The analysis is instrumental in guiding Antam to navigate through complex negotiations towards achieving a sustainable and profitable venture in the global market.. This research, enriched by qualitative data from interviews and extensive case studies, scrutinizes equity distribution, conversion rates, procurement strategies, and financial terms. It identifies market volatility and regulatory dynamics as key risk factors influencing Antam's strategic journey. The findings culminate in actionable insights and strategic recommendations, guiding Antam towards a sustainable, profitable foothold in the global EV battery sector, thus marking a significant pivot in its business trajectory.
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