Factors Affecting Malaysian College and University Students’ Satisfaction in Using Online Food Delivery Applications
Online food delivery (OFD) has existed in Malaysia since 2012 but the market for OFD expanded widely and quickly since the year 2020 when the Covid-19 pandemic hit the country. Since then, the OFD business has become increasingly popular amongst food and beverage (F&B) merchants of all sizes. While the demographics of OFD apps users ranged from youths to the elderly, there were many undiscovered factors and preferences from certain demographic groups, in particular Malaysia college and university students, which affected their experiences and satisfaction when using the apps. This research explored the factors affecting the students’ satisfaction when using OFD apps through questionnaire survey responses and statistical analysis output. The research found that apps content and user interface design was the most significant predictor that affect students’ satisfaction towards OFD apps. This was followed closely by perceived e-service quality, payment methods applied and perceived ease of use. The study also showed that there are more factors which contributed to the OFD customer satisfaction model in addition to those discovered using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) model.
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