Adoption of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics in Organisations: A Systematic Literature Review
Organisations have increasingly used artificial intelligence (AI) to innovate and compete successfully. Therefore, knowing the factors that affect the adoption of AI is crucial. This study aims to investigate the theories and models utilised in studying the adoption of AI among organisations and identify the factors influencing AI adoption among organisations across countries. Hence, a systematic literature review (SLR) and the PRISMA framework were used. This SLR contains eleven earlier studies that uncovered a growth in research focusing on AI adoption among organisations. Furthermore, this SLR discovered that the TAM, TOE, and UTAUT models are the most common ones. Three factors influencing organisations’ adoption of AI across countries are perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and intention. In developed countries, 30 factors have been discovered as having a significant influence on AI adoption while in developing countries, 27 factors have been identified. There is a lack of prior literature using SLR to analyse the technological adoption frameworks and models for AI adoption among organisations. Studies on identifying the crucial factors influencing AI adoption among organisations are limited. Therefore, the findings of this study contribute to the current body of knowledge on AI adoption among organisations. The results of this SLR can also help managers make the right decisions and build effective strategies for adopting AI among organisations.
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