The Effect of MWOM Through the WhatsApp Platform Toward Customers Purchase Intention
The rapid growth of technology has transformed conventional word of mouth (WOM) into Electronic Word of Mouth (eWOM). E-WOM on mobile devices is known as Electronic Word of Mouth Mobile Messaging Application (MWOM), such as WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Line, and WeChat. Many researchers assess the eWOM, but there's very little research about the MWOM. In fact, it's a big opportunity to do MWOM marketing strategies, especially on WhatsApp, which is the most popular media chat application in Indonesia. However, the SYFO company has not yet been effective with its MWOM WhatsApp marketing. This study aims to study the case of the SYFO company by identifying the MWOM factor through WhatsApp toward customer purchase intention and giving recommendations to optimize the MWOM. The researchers assessed nine variables, and a total of 119 respondents were chosen. With quantitative methods, the data gained from a survey through a questionnaire. The collected data will then be analyzed using the PLS-SEM feature in SmartPLS 4.0. The results show that information usefulness can have an effect on information adoption. Then, information adoption can have an effect on purchase intention (mobile purchase intention, offline purchase intention, and social purchase intention). Unexpectedly, attitude toward information cannot have an effect on offline purchase intention. The SYFO company or another company with a similar background may use the results of the analysis of this research to gain insight and implement the findings within the company.
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