Examining the Influencing Factors of Customer Loyalty in Mobile Payment: A Conceptual Model and Research Propositions

  • Zhang Qi
  • Shaizatulaqma Kamalul Ariffin


Along with the rapid advancement of mobile internet technology in recent years, the mobile payment industry has witnessed tremendous development and greatly changed people’s lives. The rapid development of mobile payment has attracted hundreds of participants who want to cut a slice of the cake, thus leading to unprecedented fierce competition. To ensure sustainability and success, mobile payment service providers need to find strategies to retain existing users and achieve customer loyalty. This research aims to examine the different factors that impact mobile payment users’ loyalty. This paper proposed a research framework by integrating two fundamental consumer behavior theories, the cognitive-affective-behavior (CAB) model and the theory of consumption values (TCV). Our study fills the knowledge gap in lacking post-adoption stage consumer behavior research in the mobile payment context. It is among the few studies that examine mobile payment customer loyalty from a multi-dimensional value perspective. A quantitative research method is designed and partial least squares structural equation modeling technique (PLS-SEM) will be adopted in the future data analysis stage to validate the developed framework. The expected findings of this study would unveil the factors that would best predict the loyalty of mobile payment users. These findings would enable mobile payment service providers to identify the specific consumption values that determine mobile payment users’ loyalty, thus guiding them to develop strategies to cultivate customer loyalty accordingly.



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How to Cite
QI, Zhang; KAMALUL ARIFFIN, Shaizatulaqma. Examining the Influencing Factors of Customer Loyalty in Mobile Payment: A Conceptual Model and Research Propositions. International Journal of Business and Technology Management, [S.l.], v. 5, n. 3, p. 143-158, sep. 2023. ISSN 2682-7646. Available at: <https://myjms.mohe.gov.my/index.php/ijbtm/article/view/23743>. Date accessed: 11 sep. 2024.