Analysis of Factors that Influence the People of West Java in Consuming Halal Food
This research aims to analyze the factors that influence consumers in making decisions to consume halal food in West Java. The research problem is formulated as follows: how to analyze the factors that influence consumers' decisions to consume halal food in West Java using a qualitative research method with a phenomenological approach. The data collection techniques used are observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis follows the interactive model by Miles and Huberman. The research findings indicate eight factors that can be analyzed in the decision to purchase halal food products in West Java: 1) Benefit factor - West Java society chooses to consume halal food that is beneficial for their well-being and health, 2) Marketing factor - this factor is crucial because West Java society needs information about the halal status of a product they intend to consume, 3) Halal Label factor - West Java society prefers food products with halal labels regardless of the product type, 4) Religiosity factor - West Java society with higher levels of religiosity tends to be more cautious in selecting halal food, 5) Price factor - competitive prices and a variety of halal products can satisfy the people of West Java, 6) Quality factor - the people of West Java prefer consuming high-quality and guaranteed halal food, 7) Taste factor - with the development of the halal product industry, it also influences the taste preferences of the people of West Java, who increasingly consume halal food, and 8) Needs factor - the people of West Java tend to consume halal food and products to fulfill their daily needs.
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