Technology Connectivity and Coffee Enthusiasts
The objective of this research is to explore the opinion of coffee enthusiasts towards coffee providers in the market. As such, the link between brand image and customer delight has been referred to. Customer delight is important and needs to be in focus as buying patterns change when new brands come into the market. An assessment of the interrelationships between the variables was conducted by using a mixed method research. The purposive face to face sampling technique was used with 300 respondents between the ages of twenty and forty were interviewed within the Klang Valley. The data was analysed by using thematic content analysis and simple coefficient analysis. The results evidenced a connection between brand image and customer delight. This indicated the only technology factor which is Wi-Fi facilities as the main predictors of customer delight. This finding concerned the coffee shops – their interiors and ambiance, coffee taste and high-quality ingredients, properly managed facilities, staff attitude & services, and active engagement with social media influencers. Last but not least, in order to generalize the results of this study, future research is needed.
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