An Overview of Digital Leadership Dimensions in Construction Industry
Even with the advances of digital construction technology nowadays, the extensive implementation of digitalization aspects is still at narrow due to lack of digital skills, visionless among leaders with limited access to opportunities and strategy adoption of digital technologies, especially in construction organization firm. This paper reviews the dimensions of digital leadership capabilities in their organization. The unclear leadership components that need to be clarified for the digital transformation implementation within an organisation which enables construction stakeholder to digitize their work environments and learning cultures. The inquiries on the status of research development and the gaps in the dimension aspects are followed. Five hundred and nine papers were screened, reviewed and critically analyzed. Four dimensions of digital leadership discovered, specifically (a) competency of digital leaders, (b) capacity of digital leaders, (c) organization structure, and (d) organization strategy. The findings insightful understanding reference in improving the overall digitalization of leaders and organization needs. A research framework is designed to point up research gaps and suggest actions for future practice.
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