Factors That Affect User Satisfaction of Using E-Commerce Chatbot: A Study on Generation Z
In this modern era, E-commerce is one of the industries that focuses on using artificial intelligence (AI) to improve the business performance especially in the area of electronic customer relationship management (e-CRM). In this research, the usage of one of the AI tools, which is known as chatbot, is further investigated in the area of e-commerce. There are various past researches which focus on the topic of chatbot. However, the past researches are restricted by several factors such as location, industry, and respondent. Therefore, this research will focus on a brand-new location, which is Malaysia. The newly targeted industry and respondent will be e-commerce industry and Generation Z respectively. The objective of this study is to investigate the factors that affect user satisfaction of using e-commerce chatbot. This research utilizes both Information System Success Model (ISSM) and Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) in order to provide theoretical foundation to this research. It’s aimed to contribute new insight by combining the two models in order to test the relationship between the variables with the user satisfaction of using e-commerce chatbot. The variables that are derived from ISSM are system quality, information quality, and service quality; while the variables that are derived from TAM are perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness. The data collection method for this research is through questionnaire while the sampling method is convenience sampling. For data analysis and measurements, reliability test, descriptive and frequency distribution, and multiple linear regression were used for the purpose of this research. In terms of the research outcomes, three independent variables that are proven to have significant relationship with the dependent variable are system quality, information quality, and perceived usefulness; while service quality and perceived ease of use are proven to have no significant relationship with the dependent variable. This research is able to create new insights and provide more information to the future researchers. Moreover, it is also able to deepen the understanding of chatbot developers especially in modifying and innovating the chatbots from time to time so that they are able to meet the users’ expectations. Last but not least, this research is able to provide information regarding ways to improve electronic customer relationship management (e-CRM) to the functional area of the organizations so that they can have a better understanding on the ways to improve customers’ satisfaction through the e-commerce platform. Purpose of this document is to provide a consistent format for full papers appearing in the conference proceedings and journal. The publisher strongly encourages the authors to use the full paper template when preparing the article. This document also provides guidelines to the authors for submission of full paper for publication.
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