Unlocking the Potential of Education Quality: A Systematic Literature Review
The objective of this study is to examine a range of relevant publications in order to assess education quality and generate future possible research questions. This article systematically evaluates a comprehensive assessment of the literature on education quality (EQ) studies published between 2000 and 2023. The study makes use of data from the Scopus database, as well as relevant keywords like education quality. From 635 publications, thirty highly cited papers were chosen for this comprehensive literature review. This study showed that investing in education and enhancing the quality of teaching are crucial for ensuring that students receive quality education. Teachers, teaching practices, and teacher education play a significant role in achieving this. Other important factors that contribute to the quality of education include access to resources and facilities, curriculum design, and the learning environment. To improve education programs, it is necessary to focus on key factors such as teacher training, curriculum design, advanced technology tools and accessibility. Providing teacher training and professional development, improving access to educational resources and facilities, creating a supportive learning environment, and enhancing teachers' qualifications can all help improve the quality of instruction. In addition, a transparent ranking system is essential for the nation. Based on a review and analysis of the EQ literature, this paper generated 11 research questions for future researchers, allowing the research to be conducted
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