Examining Motivation Factors on Bidding Decision in Crowdsourcing Platforms: Can Trust Mediates Motivation Factors on Bidding Decision in Crowdsourcing Malaysia: A Conceptual Study in Malaysia
Crowdsourcing in Malaysia has been recognised as an emerging industry that can be used as a platform to generate more income and offer businesses the chance to conduct their operations more innovatively. Crowdsourcing has become an efficient method for businesses to offer work opportunities to the general public so that they can apply their skills and earn more money. It is estimated that about 258,482 Malaysian digital talents that participate in crowdsourcing. The crowdsourcing system depends a lot on how many people use the platform. This is important for the success of the platform. However, the factors that motivate crowds to remain on the platform remain unclear, and there is very little literature on the subject. This paper is a conceptual paper that generates research propositions based on the comprehensive literature review and several theories regarding decision-making in crowdsourcing. Despite this, the paper is conceptual. Still, the claims made are based on theory, but they need to be tested in the proposed setting and context. In the future, researchers could add to the conceptual framework by validating the hypotheses more and adding mediators to the relationships that have been proposed. Other consequences and suggestions were also discussed.
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