The Impact of TikTok Fashion Haul Videos Towards Generation Z's Purchase Decision in Indonesia

  • Maria Carla Pangalila
  • Fitri Aprilianty


The COVID-19 pandemic limits fashion brands’ promotional alternatives. This means digital advertising is now a priority. TikTok is one of the social media that is progressively utilized and has made fashion haul videos more popular. Furthermore, electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) is vital in the field of promotion. Based on past studies, there are several antecedents of eWOM. However, no research studies have examined potential predictors of eWOM in the context of TikTok fashion haul videos. Moreover, brands are unable to assess platform sales conversion yet. This research aims to assess the effectiveness of TikTok fashion haul videos in affecting generation Z's purchase decisions and identify the factors in TikTok fashion haul videos that attract generation Z's purchase decisions. This research is conducted using a qualitative approach through semi-structured interviews of 13 respondents and a quantitative approach through an online survey with 204 respondents who are from Generation Z who have purchased at least 1 fashion product because of watching TikTok fashion haul videos in the past 1 year. The interview results are analyzed using the open coding method and the survey results are analyzed using the PLS-SEM method. Based on the interview results, six factors can affect generation Z's purchase decisions in Indonesia which include argument quality, source credibility, source attractiveness, source perception, source style, and high TikTok engagement. However, based on the PLS-SEM, the result shows that the purchase decision is driven by information acceptance of TikTok fashion haul videos which is impacted by source style and high TikTok engagement, mediated by intention to use which means TikTok fashion haul videos have a significant impact on Generations Z's purchase decision. The findings will give insight into the factors and effectiveness of TikTok fashion haul videos in affecting Z's purchase decisions to increase sales.


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How to Cite
PANGALILA, Maria Carla; APRILIANTY, Fitri. The Impact of TikTok Fashion Haul Videos Towards Generation Z's Purchase Decision in Indonesia. International Journal of Business and Technology Management, [S.l.], v. 4, n. 3, p. 391-401, oct. 2022. ISSN 2682-7646. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 14 dec. 2024.