Adoption of Smart Real-time Mental Health System to Support Emotional Well-being Among Young Adults in Post Covid Era: Role of Social Media
Abstract - The world is facing a crisis in poor mental health due to the coronavirus pandemic. Most young10 adults in Malaysia struggle from some form of mental health issues. Although Malaysia has digital medical care system, there is not much data yet on readiness of people to adopt the digital mental health care. Young people seek information and emotional support regarding their illness, online especially on social media, however research evidence for their effectiveness in reducing mental health symptoms is currently lacking. The study proposed to investigate the factors that influence on readiness for adopting the real-time mental system to improve emotional well-being of the young adults in Post Corvid Era. Both qualitative and quantitative approaches were used. For the first step, selected interview was conducted with 10 young adults and the final refined questionnaire was distributed to 200 young adults to measure their readiness in adoption of real time mental health system. The outcome of the research is to recommend the Government policy implications on Smart Real-time Mental Health System that can be adopted as national wide successfully in ensuring to invigorate health care among the young adults in Malaysia.
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