The Impact of Using PT. Paragon Technology and Innovation’s CSR Funds for Pondok Inspirasi Dormitory Development Program in Bogor
- Paragon Technology and Innovation is one of Indonesia's largest cosmetic manufacturing companies and has many leading brands that have been considered at national and international levels. To maintain a balance for business sustainability, companies must take mitigation actions through (Corporate Social Responsibility) CSR programs. The effectiveness of the CSR program is essential to evaluate to show and assess whether there is a significant positive impact on the social environment for partners and the programs they partner with, one of which is the Pondok Inspirasi Dormitory Development program in Bogor. This study uses an evaluation method popularly used by non-profit organizations worldwide, namely Social Return on Investment (SROI). Therefore, this study aims to measure how effective the use of CSR funds of PT. Paragon Technology and Innovation in related programs can later be used as the basis for the optimization of the company. Based on the results of the calculation of SROI data for six months starting from July to December 2021, with a total positive impact of $3,53, means the program is feasible and running well for every dollar invested. Furthermore, the results of the SROI analysis also show that the Pondok Inspirasi Dormitory Development program also significantly boosted the quality of human capital from the beneficiaries.
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How to Cite
RAHMAN, M.; TARIQ, Nida Nurul; SRI MULYATI, Welas.
The Impact of Using PT. Paragon Technology and Innovation’s CSR Funds for Pondok Inspirasi Dormitory Development Program in Bogor.
International Journal of Advanced Research in Technology and Innovation, [S.l.], v. 5, n. 1, p. 18-31, mar. 2023.
ISSN 2682-8324.
Available at: <>. Date accessed: 15 sep. 2024.