Food Industry Response Strategies Under the Trend of Omni-Channel Retailing

  • Li, Ching-hui


In recent years, with the successful development of the Internet, the carriers of product information have become more and more diversified. Along with this, consumers' shopping channels are becoming more innovative. The development of mobile commerce and social media is growing stronger and stronger. Faced with the challenges of the changing market environment, the food industry is actively investing resources and seeking to transform in response to the advent of the new consumer norm. In this study, a case company was selected as the research object, and in-depth interviews were conducted with the person in charge to explore how the company implements the omnichannel retail strategy in response to changes in consumer demand. The study found that food companies' transformation strategy in omnichannel retailing can be based on four aspects: 1. Product side: differentiate products and enhance brand recognition; 2. Customer side: strengthen e-commerce, deepen social marketing, and optimize service; 3. Consumer experience: transform physical channels into experience museums, allowing consumers to deepen their perceptions and impressions of the product brand; 4. Online to offline (O2O): use the physical channel customer consumption data to do technical analysis as a reference for applying to the virtual channel interface and product modes. In summary, the future consumer market will be consumer-centric and based on big data. By exploring the case companies' orientation in implementing omnichannel retailing strategies, this study provides food industry players with insights on how to respond to industry trends in the new core elements of the consumer market in the face of transformation.



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How to Cite
CHING-HUI, Li,. Food Industry Response Strategies Under the Trend of Omni-Channel Retailing. International Journal of Advanced Research in Technology and Innovation, [S.l.], v. 5, n. 1, p. 1-10, mar. 2023. ISSN 2682-8324. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 17 jan. 2025.