A Review on Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Progress in Leading Countries in ASEAN
Fossil fuel has been dominating the global energy supply since ancient times. Most of the countries worldwide are dependent on fossil fuels to generate energy power for economic growth and living. Excessive use of fossil fuels will have a negative impact on energy reserves and environmental challenges. Therefore, all countries across the world are taking progressive steps to address these challenges by developing renewable energy as alternative energy in their nation's energy mix. One of the most efficient schemes that help accelerate the penetration of solar PV in the market and increase deployment of solar PV is Feed-in Tariff (FiT). FiT gives residential, commercial, and industrial consumers financial incentives that encourage them to be renewable energy producers. Some Association of South East Asian Nation (ASEAN) countries have implemented a Net Energy Metering (NEM) scheme as a complement to FiT. Solar PV is a potential technology for renewables energy. This article gives an overview of the progress of leading countries in solar PV in ASEAN, especially in terms of solar insolation, primary energy, renewable energy policies, and solar PV program of the countries.
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